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Since My Botched Operation To Stop The Underarm Sweating I Now Sweat From My Face And Neck Whenever I Eat. Does Anybody Else Suffer This?

A MyHyperhidrosisTeam Member asked a question 💭
Colchester, UK
March 26
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A MyHyperhidrosisTeam Member

I had an operation to stop my hands sweating ,was told small incision above my clavicle,large incision and stitches have a scar one hand dry but now my left side if my head sweats and it drips down my face,at least I could hide my hands much worse to have the head sweat and I have no meds for except a anti perspiration roll on which is useless for my head.

May 16
A MyHyperhidrosisTeam Member

Oh that’s awful to go through all of that and then not get the results you were looking for. Thank you for sharing :)

May 7
A MyHyperhidrosisTeam Member

Face and scalp is my issue. It’s embarrassing . I started getting Botox for migraines and it actually helps the sweating. If you go to the drug maker website they have a savings program so my Botox is free. Give it a try

April 13
A MyHyperhidrosisTeam Member

In regards to the Botox. I had this done first but the results only lasted for one month and the NHS only offer one treatment a year so wasn’t any good for me sadly.

April 23
A MyHyperhidrosisTeam Member

I’m not sure of the actual name but basically I had an operation where they collapsed my lung to cut something which causes you to sweat? It was a looooong time ago and he only did one side in case I wasn’t happy with the result - which I wasn’t as he stopped my hand from sweating but not my armpit which is what I needed. Now I can’t grip things as have no hand sweat and I still have excessive underarm sweat - more than before in fact as well as the additional facial sweating.

April 23

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Facial Sweating

A MyHyperhidrosisTeam Member asked a question 💭
Lochans, Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland
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