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Hyperhidrosis: What People Don't See (Infographic)

Posted on January 22, 2018

There's so much more to hyperhidrosis than meets the eye. Below the surface, living with hyperhidrosis can mean stress sweating, changing clothes multiple times each day, and alternate days when we seem "fine." We know that hyperhidrosis comes with dozens of possible symptoms, many of which appear invisible to outsiders. Most people don't see the many ups and downs we experience.

On, the social network and online support group for people living with hyperhidrosis, members discuss the chronic nature of sweating and its hidden symptoms. Throughout the year we will share themes we see come up time and time again on MyHyperhidrosisTeam. We chose the image of an iceberg to represent hyperhidrosis symptoms because the life-impacting implications of a hyperhidrosis diagnosis aren't obvious on the surface. Please share to spread hyperhidrosis awareness!

This list is by no means exhaustive. What symptoms would you add?

Posted on January 22, 2018

A MyHyperhidrosisTeam Member

You have my sympathy my hair drips and sometimes gets in my eyes my specs mist up too so embarrassing.

posted June 14, 2023
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