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Top 10 search results for "Propantheline" in Q&A. To see all results and access other features, sign up for free.

I Have Hyperhidrosis All Over 24/7

A MyHyperhidrosisTeam Member asked a question 💭

My scalp, forehead, face, neck, chest. I sweat all over. Every second of the day. All day. All night. I’ve been given oxybutynin and propantheline bromide tablets. Both leave me with severe dry mouth. To the point I can’t swallow any food. It leaves the roof of my mouth raw and sore and my throat is bone dry. I try to eat and choke because my throat won’t allow anything to pass through. I’m drinking fluids all day. Sipping every few minutes allll day to stop the inside of my mouth becoming sore… read more

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A MyHyperhidrosisTeam Member

Hey. It’s awful regardless of where on the body it is. Can you tell me if probantheline was awful on the first day and got better or has it been fine for you since day 1. I’m on day 1 and I can’t… read more


A MyHyperhidrosisTeam Member asked a question 💭

I take pro panthilene bromide. Is that the same?

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A MyHyperhidrosisTeam Member

Hi,l take as and when needed,but usually take one at bedtime helps me from getting up with damp head also put towel on my plow as its memory foam, l take propanthaline 15mg and suck a sweet or drink… read more

I Have Horrific Head Sweats. I Look Like I’ve Just Washed My Hair, It Gets Soaking Wet. I Dread Going To Social Events.

A MyHyperhidrosisTeam Member asked a question 💭

It just starts sometimes for no reason, if I’m out it’s is so embarrassing , it’s depressing me as I no longer look forward to social events and find it’s really affecting my life. I have a family wedding in July which I am dreading because of it. All necklines of clothes get soaked . I am so aware of it all the time and feel very anxious. I haven’t discussed this with a dr. I find it very embarrassing.

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A MyHyperhidrosisTeam Member

My scalp, forehead, face, neck, chest. I sweat all over. Every second of the day. All day. All night. Dr and dermatologist gave me oxybutynin and propantheline bromide tablets. They said PB is very… read more


A MyHyperhidrosisTeam Member asked a question 💭

Is this good for sweaty hands?

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A MyHyperhidrosisTeam Member

This happens to me....I hate it. I try to wear long shirts to cover my bottom. But would like to know what kinda meds will help

Propantheline Does This Work For Excessive Head Sweating

A MyHyperhidrosisTeam Member asked a question 💭

my head gets very hot, especially when working or indoors, when i lay down at night it starts straight away my head is so hot my glasses steam up it drips down my face and neck,

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A MyHyperhidrosisTeam Member

I saw my Dermatologist for mine.. I didn't know who to see.. He helped quite a bit. I am on a topical medication called Drysol, you apply wherever you feel yourself starting to sweat. Seems to be… read more

I Sweat On The Left Side Of My Head,it Runs Down My Hair And My Specs Get Misted Up,anyone Know What I Can Do

A MyHyperhidrosisTeam Member asked a question 💭
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A MyHyperhidrosisTeam Member

I have fibromyalgia too and my white blood cells are always high. Perhaps all this sweating is just one of the myriad of fibro symptoms.


A MyHyperhidrosisTeam Member asked a question 💭

Fran Can you this in Ireland. We are still in the Dark Ages HERE.

A MyHyperhidrosisTeam Member

Where can i get this

Does Everyone Else Who Sweats Profusely From Their Head Have Thinning Hair?

A MyHyperhidrosisTeam Member asked a question 💭

At 1st i thought it was my meds. Then maybe stress. It then occurred to me that I'm constantly wiping my hair where its thinning?

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A MyHyperhidrosisTeam Member

Mine is much thinner than it used to be. I thought it was just ageing (I am 68) and hereditary (my brother and sons have thinning hair). I never connected it with my sweating. Thanks for the question… read more

What Are The Specific Symptoms Of Hyperhidrosis?

A MyHyperhidrosisTeam Member asked a question 💭

My body temperature seems to just run hot constantly to the point my partner and i sometimes sleep with a sheet between us as im too hot to touch is this a symptom of hyperhiddosis
I do also sweat quite a lot and am often quite embarrassed especially when out. Not from everywhere but generally my body is just hot and then my face starts dripping to the point of having to carry a facewasher everywhere
How do i get diagnosed?
I have addressed with gp and was sent for bloods to check just… read more

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A MyHyperhidrosisTeam Member

yes my skin is quite warm always but yet I have no temperature. The sweating this summer has been the worst. What kind of shot are you getting? I was told I am very low on VIT D too and take… read more

Treatment For Sweaty Head

A MyHyperhidrosisTeam Member asked a question 💭

My Gp is not very helpful so looking for recommendations for constant sweating head and soaking hair please. Thank you

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A MyHyperhidrosisTeam Member

My hyperhidrosis is very similar to yours Mernie. My doctor recently placed me on Clonidine. It is used for seizures but, one of the side effects is that it causes you not to sweat. Finally, NO… read more