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Has Anyone Ever Heard Of Hyperhidrosis Affecting The Head And Neck Areas Of The Body?

A MyHyperhidrosisTeam Member asked a question 💭
Lorain, OH
December 13, 2023
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A MyHyperhidrosisTeam Member

I've had this problem since I was a teenager. I was always the one who looked like I'd been in a sauna after marching band practice, physical activity, or when forced to be outside in hot weather. I could get by when in air conditioning.
As I've aged (now 55), it's gotten much worse. When the humidity is high, the sweat pours off my scalp, dripping down my face and neck, soaking my hair. It's terrible in most stores as many run the fan constantly rather than using the AC. Since humidity isn't being removed from the air it's stuffy and sweat pours. Even at home, any housework sets me off. It's so embarrassing.
I've had to just leave stores because of it. A few years ago, my husband took me to Natchitoches, LA for my birthday (July). I was soaked the entire week.
Sure wish someone truly influential would have this problem so maybe a Dr. would take it seriously.
People that don't have this problem will never understand.

May 7
A MyHyperhidrosisTeam Member

I have these same issues. It is embarrassing- I sweat head and neck shopping in air conditioned stores, doing house work in air conditioned home. Just sitting and anxious. I’ve stopped many medications and it’s helped a lot. But the head and neck sweating is ridiculous.

May 15
A MyHyperhidrosisTeam Member

I have it on my head, only. Within a very few minutes my head will be drenched. I look as if I just stepped out of a shower. The looks I get from people upset me but I can't go outside or this happens. I hate it and I have no resolutions!

April 29
A MyHyperhidrosisTeam Member

Yes, I have it affecting my forehead and face, making them both shiny. My neck has lines of different pigmentation. I use Japanese persimmon that works pretty well on the neck and other parts of the body.

December 28, 2023

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Eastbourne, UK
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