How Do You Cope With All This
I sweat as soon as I get up go shower then sweets n need another shower I'm not coping with all this constant being wet
Hormone Testing For Hyperhydrosis
Has anyone ever had hormone testing for hyperhydrosis
I had a hysterectomy at age 39 so my sweating is not from menopause
It started when I was about 45 and am 65 now.
Mine is mostly my head and face.
I am born and always lived in Florida so humidity and heat have always been in my world.
I do not have excessive tension, ptsd or any of the other things mentioned here that might contribute to it.
I find it so sad so many of us suffer from this condition and there is no real solution in sight.… read more
My daughter suggested this to me so I approached my doctor. I thought that at 71 I was too old for HRT, however my doctor has agreed to it once my blood pressure settles down. Fingers crossed.
Does Anyone Else Get The Little Pustules From The Sweating On Their Head?
Especially in summer I sweat on my head and neck a lot. Then I get sweat pimples that itch and even fill with puss. And they even come out on my face, around my ears and neck. Then I itch and I scratch.. my fermi has me on a low dose antibiotic, and it’s forever! He says it’s a form of psoriasis or eczema. !
Yes, my Fiancé has the same problem and that's what I thought it was, psoriasis! I'm glad to read your post. I really would like to get the books that they talk about, but don't know where to go.
Scalp Sweating
I have hyperhydrosis but just in my scalp. I can hardly stand it. My head sweats so bad I look like I just got out of the shower,
I know that feeling just making my bed makes me sweat.
I Drip Sweat From Chest Down
I need to know how much more water I need to drink
I drink about 5 litres of water a day, and my head & face sweats are no different to when I was drinking between 8 & 10 coffees a day or just a litre of water
So I gave up coffee and now only drink… read more
Has Anyone Tried Carpe? If So, What Was Your Experience?
Agree. Carpe and Face didn't do anything. Any type of lotion makes me sweat more
I Sweat On The Left Side Of My Head,it Runs Down My Hair And My Specs Get Misted Up,anyone Know What I Can Do
I have fibromyalgia too and my white blood cells are always high. Perhaps all this sweating is just one of the myriad of fibro symptoms.
Did You Do A Thoracic Sympathectomy To Treat Your Hyperhidrosis? If So, Where Is Your Compensatory Sweating?
I'm sorry was head. scalp..and face sweat that was sp bad I flew from Jersey to San Antonio Texas and got the procedure done. I regret it..the compensatory sweating is so bad I don't go out… read more
Hyperhydrosis And The Menopause
I read once that starting the menopause can trigger hyperhydrosis, I get this on my head and believe menopause may have triggered it in me, anyone else think this?😅
Yes. In the middle of winter I am often asked "Aren't you cold"? No!
Is There A Brand Of Glycopyrrolate That Is Most Effective?
I'm new to this group but not new to hyperhidrosis. I'm currently 55 but my first memory of excessive sweating was on the playground in 5th or 6th grade. No one wanted to share their baseball mitt with me because my sweating made it sopping wet. Fast forward to my late 20s when I discovered oxybutynin and my life changed. I was finally able to manage my excessive sweating and felt a lot more comfortable in my skin. Recently the oxybutynin manufacturer I had been using (Apotex) no longer produces… read more
I too was put on those oxy's. All it did was dry my mouth out. It didnt help with my sweats at all. I guess each case is differant on what works.